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Your Hosts and Six Crows House

Dave and Linda White welcome you to our home and our world. We are so happy you found us, and thrilled to share the fruits of our labor of love with you.


Dave is a retired insurance agent. He grew up and raised his family in the local community of Fremont. He is a tinkerer/putterer whose shop sign reads “We do precision guess work”. He has become an avid reader in his retirement years (lucky for our guests, who get his discarded Smithsonian, Time, National Geographic, and other magazines). And Dave is a singer, having performed in every concert given over Newaygo County Community Choir’s 30-year run, as well as most of his life in his church choir.

Linda moved to West Michigan from Canada in 2000. She began her career as a journalist, later shifted to corporate writing and design, and retired as executive director of a small environmental nonprofit. Since retiring, her happy places include artsy crafting, the veggie garden, and her latest landscaping project. Top of the list, cuddling with Dave, Love Of Her Life.

Dave and Linda

Between us, we have 6 wonderful children and 9 equally wonderful grandchildren, spread out from Toronto to San Francisco.

We follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting. You will find details of our Covid-19 protocol under Home/Covid-19 Safety.


Everyone asks where “Six Crows House” comes from. There is, of course, a story. When Linda came across the property while shopping for a home in 2002, she saw 6 crows in the front yard as she pulled into the driveway. Off they flew, of course, then followed her around as she explored the property and lakeside. They came around a lot as she moved in and set to work on her first project, building a Medicine Wheel. Later that spring, those 6 crows showed up cawing while friends sang around the fire at our first moon ceremony here. It was thus we realized that the name of this land is Six Crows.


Linda and Dave have been working and developing Six Crows for nearly 20 years. We built our new home on Six Crows in 2007 and have done much of the work on the land ourselves. We built the multiple terraces on the hillside over several years, slinging around 2,800 (you read that correctly) 60# bags of concrete mix. Yup, we did that!

Six Crows House started as a simple bed and breakfast in 2017, as Linda was still working full-time. We have expanded both the lodging and the amenities over the years since. The lakeside Glamp cabin is a section of the old dwelling that we saved and dragged down when we built our new home. We refurbished it into a one-room cabin, then converted a small lakeside shed into a camp kitchen with running water and electricity, and installed the outdoor shower.

Retiring just as Covid-19 struck, Linda set to work upgrading The Suite. With help from Dave and a girlfriend, she built a galley kitchen, breakfast counter, 2nd bathroom, and laundry cupboard. This was an appreciated upgrade from the breakfast nook and single bathroom we initially provided for B&B guests.

The lake level has been low in recent years so we added to the dock in the spring of 2021, in effect doubling it out further into the cove. Linda is now working on plans for a new sitting garden build in 2022. The garden will be just south of the tree fort play area, and will include benches, a cascading pond, peace pole, fairy garden, and other fun.


We like to greet our guests on arrival to give you the lay of the land. We are happy to haul Glamp guests’ belongings down to the lakeside with our lawn tractor cart.

After check-in, we are on standby and accessible by text, while minimally intrusive. Guests are most likely to see Linda handling housekeeping duties and Dave helping with repairs and upkeep. We’ve had loads of fun assigning titles to ourselves:

  • Linda: Minister of Administration; Finance; Housekeeping; and This’n That
  • Dave: Minister of Trash and Transport; Hot Tub; and Faith’n Fixes

We place a high standard on providing a friendly, clean, cozy, safe, and fun environment for everyone who visits. We welcome feedback and suggestions from guests, which have in fact led to many of our upgrades. We can’t control the weather, of course, and unforeseen events happen, but making you feel at home away from home is our top priority.

Ultimately, our goal is is for our guests to want to come back, or at least take home wonderful memories of their visit to Six Crows House.