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Covid-19 Safety at Six Crows House


We do not make Covid-19 vaccination mandatory, but these are complicated times. Ensuring our guests’ Covid-19 safety is now an essential element of our service.

At the same time, our mission at Six Crows House is to provide an optimal environment where our guests can escape, relax, let loose a little, and enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep. Here is our formula:

Us protecting you: To start with, we disinfect all the areas and items guests are likely to touch or handle, daily or between guests.

You protecting yourself and others: If you ARE fully vaccinated, you are not required to wear a mask indoors in the common areas of the Suite. We strongly encourage all guests to discuss mask-wearing and make sure everyone is on the same page.

If you ARE NOT fully vaccinated and ANY other guests are visiting, we require you keep a safe distance (the CDC says 6′) and wear a mask at all times while in the common areas. A mask is not required while you are in your room or outside. If you need one, masks are available in both The Suite and The Glamp, as are hand sanitizers and disinfectants.

Washing your hands frequently is one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading to your mouth, nose, or eyes, which we all absentmindedly touch many times a day, as well as from one person to another and throughout a community or family, possibly yours.


It is understandable not to want to wear a mask while you are on vacation. Whether you want the freedom not to wear a mask, or the extra security of not bunking too close to others not in your party, you might want to check out our Glamp, which provides a lot more privacy.

Dave and Linda

Protecting our guests is our duty. Being older and at higher risk due to health issues, Dave and Linda also need to protect ourselves. We are fully vaccinated and boosted, wear masks inside, and keep the recommended distance.

We do not pass judgment on our guests. We ask that you show us the same consideration. If you are not vaccinated and unwilling to wear a mask, we ask you not to come.